Browsing Archive: February, 2013
Posted by James on Sunday, February 24, 2013,
ok, so at least I am still somewhat on schedule for this year so far. I have the first new pack of miniatures ready for release since last summer when we released the huge barbarian on warcat. This time we are back into the 15MM ranges with a set of Monkeymen with Clubs which are suitable for a number of different genre's including sci-fi, Post Apocalypse, pulp, horror, and fantasy. Hopefully these are something that you will all find useful.
LFM001 Lord of Fantasy Monkeymen with Clubs set of ... Continue reading ...
Three Legged Dollies now available...
Posted by James on Thursday, February 14, 2013,
I have the 3 legged dollies here now and will begin sending out payment info for there shipping today. I think these came out really nice considering there hard to mold shape. Here is a rough picture of one of the metal dollies taken with my scanner at a high resolution.
These will be $1.00 each plus shipping. They weight very little so up to 5 can be sent in a one ounce package. These will be by request only until we get a top half to market them with. Continue reading ...