Posted by James Hintz on Monday, March 13, 2023,
Well its been a very rocky road the last few years with family, health, and finances. I had to get creative to bring the Amazons back into production. Get them now at the original price before I have to do an increase….
update on the contest figures. I also had cast what was already made into production molds. Just trying to work out if some form of kickstarter is the best idea for there release or what as this site is so dead now that I wonder will anyone even read this post and am I just w... Continue reading ...
cart is back on
Posted by James Hintz on Wednesday, June 24, 2020,
We have restarted the cart. Still no ETA on when the Amazons will go back into production. The AOA rule book is still OOP at the publisher. Continue reading ...
New release this month...
Posted by James on Wednesday, June 17, 2015,
We now have a new release ready for this year in the Legends of Fantasy line of 28MM figures.
LoF005 Satyr Group
These are 4 Satyr's one with knife, one with blowgun, one with bow and one with flute. The one with the knife is 25mm tall, the other 3 are 30mm tall from the top of there base to the top of there head.

These are now available in the store for purchase....
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Now Carrying Dastardly Design Games Products
Posted by James on Monday, February 16, 2015,
We are now the main source for physical products from Dastardly Design Games to include there miniatures line. They currently have two games in printed form.
When the Navy Walked - WTNW is more than just a Victorian Science Fiction Game. It is a springboard for imagination and a high-level game of tactics and battles set amongst a 'what if' world inspired by the classic authors of Victorian Science Fiction and Retro Science Fiction. In WTNW, players take the reins and command massive armies ... Continue reading ...
Moving forward in 2015
Posted by James on Tuesday, January 6, 2015,
In 2011 we bought the Barbarian on Warcat figure from Kevin who was unable to move forward with bringing it into production. This month he contact me and asked if I would consider selling it back to him. I felt that if anyone should have it the one who originally commissioned it to be sculpted should be the one to have it. So we made a deal for the molds and the right to the miniature transferred over to him this last week.
Anyone who is interested in buying copies of the miniature should cont... Continue reading ...
The best laid plans of mice and gamer's.
Posted by James on Monday, October 13, 2014,
Well molds have had to be put on hold for a bit, I have been forced to spend money on a full roof replacement for the shop instead. So hopefully I can get back to finishing production molds before the end of the year.
We are still in need of materials for the next issue of Playgames magazine. The first issue was downloaded over 200 times which I think is an amazing accomplishment for a first time publication. So please send up anything gaming/hobby related for the next issue which will be publ... Continue reading ...
Playgames Magazine our newest feature.
Posted by James on Saturday, July 19, 2014,
While waiting for molds to be finished finally this year I managed to drag something else off the drawing board. Our new gaming E-zine dedicated to all things gaming, Playgames Magazine. It is a free magazine that can be downloaded via the store or at the backup site listed on the Playgames Magazine webpage.
This is our first attempt at anything like this so please excuse the quality of the layout and the editing. I was working within the limitations of the software that I had available and it... Continue reading ...
5th Anniversary Sale Extended
Posted by James on Saturday, October 12, 2013,
I have extended the 5th anniversary sale since I was told that the shipper has paid the damage done to the Armies of Arcana books. So they are all posted now with a 25% discount on the listed price using promo code 5YEARS at checkout.
If you have wanted to look at these rules, but did not want to pay the full price this is your opportunity to try them at a reduced cost. Continue reading ...
Showcasing the 28MM Barbarian on Warcat Painted
Posted by James on Wednesday, September 18, 2013,

We finally got a painted example back of the Legends of Fantasy 28MM Barbarian on Warcat. This all metal figure comes in two pieces with a cast base and weights in at 4 ounces. A definite must have show piece for the die hard collector.
This month we are celebrating our 5th year in business and as a thank you were having a sale on everything in the store. For the rest of this month everything will be 25% off by using promo code 5YEARS at checkout. Continue reading ...
Lone Gunman Games 5th Anniversary Sale
Posted by James Hintz on Sunday, September 8, 2013,
This month we are celebrating our 5th year in business and as a thank you were having a sale on everything in the store. For the rest of this month everything will be 25% off by using promo code 5YEARS at checkout.
We have finally gotten a restock on the 5th Edition Armies of Arcana rule books, but the shipment was again damaged in transit, so the only ones listed in the store right now are the damaged copies. Please contact me if you want one of the few undamaged ones as they will not be part...
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And the Winner is....
Posted by James on Thursday, July 18, 2013,
The Contest page has now been updated. come and see who won and who entered which sculpts.
The link to the page is posted on the front of the products page. Click the big orange/red Contest to see the results. Continue reading ...
The contest is officially closed and entries posted.
Posted by James on Thursday, July 4, 2013,
At last the contest is closed and the pictures are ready to be revealed to everyone who has waited with anticipation. The link to the page is posted on the front of the products page. Click the big orange/red Contest to see the results of everyone's hard work. Continue reading ...
Third new release of the year...
Posted by James on Sunday, March 24, 2013,
This is the final ready for release item this spring. There will be other things released later this year as time permits. This is the last of the planned releases for the 15MM Lords of Fantasy series, so if you were waiting to order all the new releases you can do so now.
This time we have an assortment of Iron Golems which can also be used as robots, aliens, atomatons, statues, ect. Each measurers 14MM tall from the base to the top of the head.

LFM003 Lords of Fantasy Iron Golems assortment o...
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Second new release of the year...
Posted by James on Sunday, March 10, 2013,
Attempting to maintain a release scheduled this year for the new castings that I have available at this time. I am releasing the Hairy Beasts this time. We are still in the 15MM Lords of Fantasy Series with something that will work for those who need Yeti's, Sasquatches, Skunk apes, or Morlocks and are suitable for a number of different genre's including sci-fi, Post Apocalypse, pulp, horror, and fantasy. Hopefully these are something that you will all find useful.
LFM002 Lord of Fantasy Hairy...
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First new release of the year...
Posted by James on Sunday, February 24, 2013,
ok, so at least I am still somewhat on schedule for this year so far. I have the first new pack of miniatures ready for release since last summer when we released the huge barbarian on warcat. This time we are back into the 15MM ranges with a set of Monkeymen with Clubs which are suitable for a number of different genre's including sci-fi, Post Apocalypse, pulp, horror, and fantasy. Hopefully these are something that you will all find useful.
LFM001 Lord of Fantasy Monkeymen with Clubs set of ... Continue reading ...
Three Legged Dollies now available...
Posted by James on Thursday, February 14, 2013,
I have the 3 legged dollies here now and will begin sending out payment info for there shipping today. I think these came out really nice considering there hard to mold shape. Here is a rough picture of one of the metal dollies taken with my scanner at a high resolution.
These will be $1.00 each plus shipping. They weight very little so up to 5 can be sent in a one ounce package. These will be by request only until we get a top half to market them with. Continue reading ...
Starting the new year off right for 2013
Posted by James on Wednesday, January 2, 2013,
Well my resolution this year is to do better with the business. I spent part of last year making advanced plans to do just that this year.
I just posted painted photo's of the Wolfen into there page on the website. Thanks J.r. at for taking that task for which I have no time off my hands.
I have 3 new releases being lined up as we speak for 2013, expect to see info on those in the next 4-6 weeks.
and I have volunteered to get into a gaming community project that has arisen o... Continue reading ...
Our first Ever Sculpting Contest.
Posted by James on Monday, June 18, 2012,
We're hosting our first amatuer sculpting contest! I wanted something that was simple, so that anyone with some figure modifying skills could participate even with the busiest of schedule's.
All submissions must be photographed and sent in by August 1st 2012. The winning submissions will be cast and made available for sale by Lone Gunman Games.
The contest consists of two categories for Post-Apocalyptic vehicle accessories - wheel covers and stowage. These need to be scaled for use with 1/43 ...
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Now taking pre-orders for the Barbarian on Battlecat
Posted by James on Thursday, May 3, 2012,
Were now taking pre-orders through the store for the Legends of Fantasy 28MM Barbarian on Battlecat. These will set to ship on June 1st for a June release.
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Our first new miniature of the year...
Posted by James on Wednesday, April 25, 2012,
We now have sample castings from our caster of the new 28MM fantasy production figure for the store. this will be our first 28MM in the fantasy genre. (pic is of the original green.)
This is a Barbarian Warrior astride a huge War cat, sculpted by Leandro Ventic. The cat stands 40MM high at the head from the table top. The base is 30MM wide at the back and cat + base together are 65MM long. The barbarian is 28MM to the eye and adds another 18MM in height to the back of the cat. These are ca...
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Our new store is now open
Posted by James on Friday, April 6, 2012,
We have a new shopping cart that is posted in the store instead of being redirected to Vendio. This one seems to work better then it ever did, but it still has its draw backs. Please let me know if you have any problems with checkout on the new store or if you do not get an order confirmation.
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The Vendio cart is finally fixed
Posted by James on Saturday, September 3, 2011,
Finally after 4 months the programmers have bothered to find out what went wrong with the shipping service changes that occurred in April. I guess I can't say much else as I only got 2/3 of the way through moving everything to a new cart provider in that time.
To many things have barged there way into daily life here this year and nothing at all has gotten done. I didn't get any of the goals I set out in January even started.
I did get the Amazons and the Wolfen into the Mighty Armies Rules, th... Continue reading ...
Again problems with Vendio....
Posted by James on Thursday, April 28, 2011,
Vendio has again changed there Service set up and the cart is currently refusing to ship international orders. Please contact us via E-mail if you wish to place an order outside the US.
We will be moving everything to a new cart provider shortly.
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goals for 2011
Posted by James on Friday, February 11, 2011,
Now with the economy picking back up again I am looking to do some new things for the company this year. I have purchased a few more sculpts from Whiffwaff, they should be available this summer for release.
I have some terrain projects planned as well as other sculpts that I want to release this year.Preparing the miniatures for retail store sales is also top of my list this year.The final thing I want to get done is some army lists for Rebel mini's Mighty Armies game system.Don't give up on u... Continue reading ...
Were still here...
Posted by James on Saturday, August 14, 2010,
I know its been rather quiet here this year, but we are still here and all the figures are in stock and ready to ship out if you need them.
Be sure and check out our facebook fan page at Continue reading ...
Were now on Facebook....
Posted by James on Saturday, May 29, 2010,
We now have a fan page on Facebook, come check out the page and add us to your like'd sites. We will be doing special exclusive promotions for our Facebook fans, so join us there at... Continue reading ...
Vendio Cart problems resolved.
Posted by James on Wednesday, April 21, 2010,
Ok, the cart problems are fixed and the Modern heroes minis are at a reduced sale price of 20% off MSRP until memorial day in honor of all the figures that didn't get a chance at a second life...
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Vedio cart problems
Posted by James on Wednesday, April 7, 2010,
Today I tried to edit a few items in the vendio store and there was a server error which has knocked the Armies of Arcana rule book and the Modern Heroes miniatures off the store. We do still have these items instock, so please fee free to e-mail us so that we can get these items in an invoice for you.
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Sometimes miracles do still happen...
Posted by James on Sunday, January 17, 2010,
This month were launching a new line of products for us here at Lone Gunman Games. I say new for "us" as 6 of these figures were briefly availible in early 2003 from another company, more on this in a moment.
The new line is a 28MM modern themed line of miniatures called collectively Modern Heroes. They are suitable for modern, Cyberpunk, Post Apoc, and other near future game settings. Full information on the line can be found on there dedicated products page. The manufacturer's suggested reta...
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Things are finally moving forward again...
Posted by James on Sunday, January 17, 2010,
After a much to long pause (my other companies required my attention) things are finally moving forward again for Lone gunman games. I have given the website a major overhaul by adding pages for the new lines of miniatures, updating the site graphics to correspond to the new retail packaging that was designed by our good friend Wyatt the Odd that will be printed this year.
I have also due to customer demand added the dimensions to the 15MM lines so that the size of the figures can be compared...
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The Armies of Arcana 5th edition Rule books are in....
Posted by James on Wednesday, November 4, 2009,
Everything about launching the new company has taken longer then I had planned. That includes stocking the Armies of Arcana 5th edition rule book by Terrain Warehouse (uk).
They are now in the store and availible for sale. I am having problems with the webstore cart though. The system does not recognize that the US postal service has flat rate envelopes availible, so I will need to issue refunds on these orders to correct the overpayments on shipping.
I am going to be heading the US push to pr...
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The Starting of a new era in 15MM miniatures.
Posted by James on Tuesday, June 9, 2009,
Today I got a packet of samples from the greens I sent to the caster. The greens were sculpted by WhiffWaff with a lot of detail for 15MM. These are the pics I took with my digital camera of the masters that will make up the production molds for the new "Lords of Fantasy" line that I will be launching with these 5 new sculpts.
I am taking pre-orders now for these to help with the initial costs of production. Pre-order packs will be in lots of 6 figures for all but the wizard who can be ordered...
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The end of an era to close
Posted by James on Sunday, May 31, 2009,
I got an e-mail from Thane this week that he is letting the hosting subscription to his Armies of Arcana website expire this next month distancing himself even further from the game he created then he is already.
After selling the rules to Terrain Warehouse and the 15MM miniatures line to me I guess he must feel there is no where else for him to take the setting and the rules system that he created.
His creativity and imput will be sorely missed. We wish him the best in this new path he has cho...
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the trials of running a miniatures company...
Posted by James on Sunday, April 19, 2009,
Well I finally got an e-mail from my new caster that he has the molds for the Armies of Arcana line now and that means that all the casting costs can be revised for the processing of the cart. Now I just need to figure out how to do a cart with the free apps in paypal and google checkout.
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lonegunman Games buys Armies of Arcana line
Posted by James on Tuesday, March 3, 2009,
In the fall of 2008 we purchased the molds and reproduction rights to the Armies of Arcana miniatures line from Future plans will be new sculpts added to the line and support of the global AoA community here in the US.
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