Armies of Arcana Demons:

AoA D001 Demons Imp:
These Imps are the cannon fodder of any demon army. They Stand 17MM tall.
AoA D003 Demons Fire Demon:
Representatives of the Warmer regions of the underworld, could also stand in as a form of Fire elemental creature. They stand 20MM tall.

AoA D005 Demons Chaos Knights:

AoA D007 Chaos Knight Mounts:
Horse spirits from the lower planes breathing fire and ash, or standard mounts with minor mods to the armor. cast separately for conversions. These are 15MM tall at the back on a 6MM x 20MM base

AoA D009 Demons Baron:

A sample of what the Chaos Knights look like when mounted on there Otherworld Steeds. These are availible seperately or packed together depending on your gaming needs.

AoA D002 Demons Ice Demon:

AoA D004 Demons Howler:
The warcry of the howler Demons have scared more then one opponent into fleeing the field of battle. They stand 17MM tall.

AoA D006 Mounted Chaos Knights:
AoA D008 Demons Chain Demon:

AoA D010 Demons Cacodemon: